Case Studies

Case of A.R.

We assisted an American company bring to the U.S. a young single applicant with a previous denial for training on an H-3 visa.

Case of M.T.

In a tragic story (highlighted in an article in Izvestia), a woman became separated from her family because the Embassy lost her police certificates. Her family was able to immigrate, but because the Green Card Lottery program expired for that year, she was no longer able to immigrate due to the Embassy’s negligence. The family had already sold all of its belongings, including their house, in order to immigrate. She retained our firm. On her behalf, we enlisted the support of a senator and submitted an application for humanitarian parole. Finally, she was granted humanitarian parole status, and was able to join her family in the United States and later gain a green card.

Case of T.E.

We helped a consular officer see the "forest through the trees" in a re-application after a denial of a woman whose brother is an elite businessman. Although she was unemployed, which was the basis for the 214(b) denial, she had no need to work because her brother was wealthy and supported her.

Case of R.G.

A green card holder resided abroad for many years and grew tired of maintaining a residence, including paying taxes, in the US. We assisted him in the I-407 process of abandoning his permanent residency status: completing the necessary forms, counseling him on the consequences of his actions, accompanying him to the Embassy to relinquish his green card and assisting him in obtaining a visitors visa.

Case of T.L.

In violation of the rules of the Department of State, a consular officer attempted to require Ms. L’s husband in the United States, who was in L-1 status, to return to Russia before he would process her L-2 application. After we brought this to the attention of Washington, the consular officer issued the visa to her.

Case of M.G.

Our inquiry to a consulate about the reason for a material misrepresentation finding prompted a consular officer to review the decision, which had been made five years prior, and reverse that decision.

Case of G.D.

Ms. D, a Ukrainian citizen, worked for an American expatriate family in Russia. The US Embassy in Moscow denied her "nanny" visa application to work in the United States because she was unable to document her ties to her home country and because the consular officer did not believe that she met the visa requirements. The American businessman contacted us and we were able to help the nanny obtain the visa.

Case of V.S.

Mr. S was denied his request for refugee status. On his behalf, we submitted a Request for Reconsideration, pointing out legal and factual errors made in the handling of his case. He was called in for another interview. After a ninety minute interview, the immigration officer granted refugee status to him.

Case of N.D.

After a consular officer erroneously counted an applicant’s time of unlawful presence in the United States, we helped her overcome this finding and have her time of inadmissibility reduced to three years from ten years.

Case of N.K.

We helped a young female applicant with few ties to her home country (not married, no children, no property) secure a visitor’s visa.