Questionnaires and Contact Information for Government Officials

Posted on May 23, 2011

Thank you to those who completed the questionnaires. I am truly overwhelmed by the response. Your backgrounds are very, very impressive and your stories are heartwrenching. America truly needs people like you!

To those who have completed the questionnaire and authorized distribution to the Department of State — I will be sure to pass on to officials the relevant details. Besides the devastation experienced by many of you, it is obvious that hundreds of thousands in dollars in expense were incurred. Life changing plans were made — one person got married upon learning of selection; one person quit his job in India to move back to Africa in preparation; one person sold his car; another gave up his apartment. Hopefully, the Department of State will recognize these very real human tragedies and act prudently in rectifying this travesty.

I urge you to tell your compelling stories to the media and government officials in the US and your home country. As a starting point, please contact:

  1. at the Department of State:
    • Hillary Clinton — Secretary of State — 202-647-5291
    • Janice Jacobs — Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Consular Affairs — 202-647-9576
    • David Donahue — Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services — (t) 202-647-9584 (f) 202-647-0341
    • Office of Inspector General — 202-647-3320 —
  2. US Ambassador in your home country
  3. Media in your home country
  4. make videos in your home country and post them on YouTube and similar sites

I will be posting additional media- and congressional-related contact information on this blog in the nearest future, and of course will keep you abreast of any new developments.

Thank you.