DV–2012 Update — October 5–6 Submissions Account for ¾ of All Winners

Posted on May 10, 2011

As pointed out in our previous blog entry, the overwhelming majority of winners in the DV-2012 Lottery were those who submitted entries on October 5 and 6th. We have seen two surveys confirming this:

  1. in which 74% of the winners (sampling of 957) submitted entries on October 5th and 6th – http://www.govorimpro.us/showthread.php?t=28753&page=5 (Russian language)
  2. in which 82% of the winners (sampling of 153) submitted entries on October 5th and 6th. http://www.ulitka.com/Несортированное/Зависимость_выигрыша_от_даты_подачи_заявки_dv-2012_a-50985.html (Russian language)

Also of interest is the statistic from these surveys that if one submitted an entry on those dates, the chances of winning were more than 50%. In general, the chances of being selected are 1–2%.

We renew our call for the Department of State to investigate this “non-random” Lottery.